And as suspected I was right. At the start of the trail there was still a little snow but by the time I rounded the first bend it was smooth sailing with a wide open ribbon of dirt in front of me. I was a little surprised to find that only myself and a bear had been on the trail since the snow. It was a perfect Carolina mountain morning and nothing could have been finer. At times there was still little scattered patches of snow, even some drifts several feet high, but for the most part it was a perfectly frozen Laurel Mtn. trail. Not wanting to go down Pilot Rock I declared it Good Enough before the gap of the same name and headed right back down the way I had come.
Descending Yellow Gap Rd. was interesting. It took me almost 30 minutes to make it down it with multiple dismounts. My studded tire would have come in handy.

Sunday's are still for the dog but I'm still trying to go easy on the knee by not running and no mountain climbing. So where better to go than a waterfall? These are very special places and I took the time to finally go down to one I've ridden my bike past hundreds of times.
Cove Creek Falls:

Cascades lower down:

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