Last Wednesday I headed out to Dupont for the last WNDC of the summer. With the first Harvest Moon in 20 years I loaded up the lights and parked at Lake Imaging for what wound up being a five hour ride. Things fell apart at the start but then came back together again with a sunset rendezvous on top of Cedar Rock. I finished just before 10. Night riding is fun and made for a fitting end to summer.

While some are talking about the 'end of the season' for me Fall is the real season. The days get cooler and shorter but the rides just bigger. The woods come alive with color and then those same leaves fall and hide the rocks and roots. And the races aren't too bad either. Double Dare is as much fun as you can have in the woods and I'm sure Shut In will be fun as well.
So, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, Friday after work I went and drove up to Bent Creek Gap where I parked and then did the Spencer > Trace loop from the top.

Trace Ridge:

Then I put the bike back in the truck and got out the running shoes. New shoes is a lot like getting a new bike but they only cost a hundred dollars.

Unfortunately I did not buy new shoes soon enough and seem to have bruised my left foot pretty good. Nick Kindt met me and we did a fun little mostly single track route. The Bad Fork extension worked perfectly. The top of Trace and then Shut In up to Ferrin Knob hurt.
Bad Fork > extension > 142 > Trace Ridge > BRP > Shut In

Saturday I met Zach at the Hatchery for a fun little Pisgah Loop:
475 > 475B > 276 > 477 > Club Gap > Black Mtn. > Turkey Pen Gap > South Mills River > Bradley Creek > 5015 > 1206 > 1206 > 276 > 475B > 229 > Cove Creek > 475 > Davidson River > 475

We were going to hit Trace but Zach waited until we got down to the campground to tell me he needed to be done by 4 so straight back out 1206 we went.

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